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Individuals and business should be aware of options to protect IP

On Behalf of | Apr 9, 2015 | Intellectual Property

Intellectual property protection is vital to many businesses in today’s day and age. Trademark and copyright protection can be important to any number of individuals and entrepreneurs, as well as small business and large corporations. Because of the important role intellectual property plays in the success of many businesses, it is important to know how to effectively protect intellectual property rights. Protecting the intellectual property of an entrepreneur or business can include patent protection, trademark protection, trade name protection, protection of trade secrets, copyright protection, or license protection.

Intellectual property violations may occur in a number of ways, including unfair competition or trade name infringement, in addition to other intellectual property violations such as copyright infringement or misappropriation. Fortunately, legal protections are in place to protect individuals and companies from intellectual property violations that may harm their businesses and companies.

Trademark and copyright litigation options may be available in circumstances of federal registration and trademark confusion, circumstances of trademark infringement and dilution of a trademark, circumstances of trademark or copyright licensing disputes, and other similar situations. At times, negotiation and alternative dispute resolution may help to bring about a positive outcome.

Depending on the goals and desired outcome, different legal options are available to help individuals and business seeking to enforce intellectual property rights and stop a party from violating intellectual property rights. When a business or company suffers from intellectual property violations, the success of the business can be harmed which is why protection of intellectual property, and knowing how to assert intellectual property rights when necessary, is vital to every company.


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