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Taking a proactive approach to employment law

On Behalf of | Jun 13, 2022 | Employment Law

There may be numerous types of regulations that act to protect the rights and interests of employers and employees alike and to help promote healthier workplace environments. Violations of employment laws can take on various forms and finding ways to safeguard against similar issues could prove integral to protecting a company’s future. Businesses in New York that wish to achieve such a goal might benefit from knowing some of the most prevalent types of employment law violations. 

The types 

Knowing some of the most prevalent types of employment law violations may prove vital to preparing a strategy to help safeguard against similar issues. According to studies, two of the most common types of violations include discrimination and harassment and protecting against similar issues may be vital to cultivating a healthy workplace environment. Work and hour violations also remain a common concern and topics to address in this regard may include vacation time, unpaid commissions and overtime pay. 

Knowing the rules that govern wages and addressing topics such as minimum wage violations may also be integral to safeguarding company interests. Misclassification of employees is also a common type of employment law violation and taking steps to properly classify workers could help stave off a variety of potential risks. Another example of a type of violation could include retaliation against whistleblowers, as such actions could prove unlawful and may prompt a variety of issues. 

A proactive approach 

Businesses that wish to promote positive workplace environments may find that taking a proactive approach to employment law could prove vital, but it can also be somewhat challenging at times. Fortunately, there are attorneys in New York who can help a company better understand every aspect of employment law and assist in creating a strategy with which to promote compliance. Such advice could help place a company in a better position in which to mitigate the risks of violations and help safeguard the future of the endeavor. 


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