Leading-Edge Legal Representation

Employment Contract Enforcement And Contests

The fact that an employment contract was signed does not necessarily mean that its terms can be enforced, and employees and employers often intensely dispute the meaning and scope of these financially and professionally critical agreements. When such disputes arise — often over alleged violations such as a firing without cause or ex-employee contact with a former employer’s customers — experienced legal counsel is essential.

Extensive Knowledge Of Non-Compete Agreements And Compensation Matters

At Cox Padmore Skolnik & Shakarchy LLP (CPS&S), a firm with offices in New York (in New York City and Great Neck), New Jersey and Colorado, experienced attorneys bring valuable knowledge from multiple perspectives to employment agreement disputes. Because we frequently advise entrepreneurs, established businesses and professionals on such contracts and draft them for specific business purposes, our lawyers are well equipped to handle issues of enforceability under applicable law and employer/employee recourse in disputes involving:

  • Ex-employee rights and restrictions under non-compete, non-solicitation and confidentiality agreements — as they pertain to pursuing the former employer’s clients, using or sharing inside information and other situations
  • Whether an employee with a contract in force can be terminated, and what financial and other obligations the employer has after the firing
  • Fulfillment or nonfulfillment of financial obligations created by employee equity agreements, incentive agreements, stock option bonus incentives and other compensation-related contracts

Innovative, Resourceful Employment Dispute Resolution In Complex Cases

Our employment dispute resolution and litigation experience is substantial and includes work in cases involving extremely complex issues and multiple state jurisdictions.

To cite one example, we negotiated a mutually acceptable settlement between two technology companies in different states enabling our client to retain a valuable sales professional accused of violating restrictive covenants. Part of that settlement was mutual agreement between the two companies not to hire each other’s employees for a specified period.

Has A Breach Of An Employment Contract Occurred?

CPS&S can be an essential, difference-making resource whether you are an employer or an employee in need of analysis of your rights, potential outcomes of litigation and options for resolving the dispute. We will be sensitive to both your immediate needs — such as taking rapid action to enjoin or restrain the opposition — and to your long-term business or professional interests. Please call us today at 800-209-7206 to schedule an exploratory consultation.