Leading-Edge Legal Representation

Lawyers Serving Not-for-Profit Organizations

At Cox Padmore Skolnik & Shakarchy LLP (CPS&S), we know the unique legal needs and business concerns nonprofit organizations face. Such concerns often match or exceed those of for-profit corporations. We guide NPOs in organizational structure, tax-exempt status and dispute resolution to maximize their ability to engage in productive activities. Long-standing CPS&S clients include non-profits engaged in both religious and secular benevolent endeavors.

Tax Guidance, Negotiations, Litigation, Dispute Resolution and More

Our proven strengths and capabilities in non-profit legal guidance include:

  • Assessments and legal action for obtaining 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status and protecting that status on an ongoing basis — as well as all aspects of filings for tax-exempt status under other sections of the federal tax code applicable to social service and trade organizations
  • Comprehensive insight into interactions and transactions with corporations, benefactors and contributors — along with deep experience in complex litigation and a practical approach to alternative dispute resolution methods available to avoid costly entanglements
  • Experience resolving complex disputes and controversies over who runs a religious congregation or has decision-making authority within another type of nonprofit
  • Tax planning and estate planning, and administration knowledge essential for people involved in the formation of private foundations, charities and trusts

CPS&S is a socially oriented and community-conscious law firm with deep experience and knowledge relevant to business transactions, operations and capital fundraising. Our clients, profit-focused and mission-focused alike, benefit from dedicated personal attention and our commitment to providing cost-effective legal services enabling them to focus on their core objectives.

Consult New York Attorneys Protecting Nonprofit Interests and Success

To request an exploratory consultation focused on the immediate, ongoing or future needs of your nonprofit organization, we encourage you to contact us toll free at 800-209-7206 or via e-mail inquiry. We have office locations in New York City, on Long Island, in New Jersey and Denver. We welcome the opportunity to learn about the cause and challenges you face as a church, trade association, charity, school, research group or other type of organization, and to assess what we may be able to accomplish for you.