Trademark, Copyright And Trade Dress Infringement
At Cox Padmore Skolnik & Shakarchy, one of our core services involves protecting the valuable intellectual property rights of small, mid-sized and multi-national businesses in the United States and abroad. Litigating infringement disputes is a small, but crucial component of our inclusive approach to protecting your intellectual property assets. Based in New York City, CPS&S provides unwavering copyright and trademark infringement representation on behalf of businesses in New York, Colorado, New Jersey and throughout the United States and internationally.
Call 800-209-7206 or e-mail us now to schedule an exploratory consultation to discuss your options in copyright or trademark infringement conflicts.
Vigilant Protection Of Intellectual Property
The IP litigation attorneys at CPS&S have extensive experience in intellectual property infringement disputes, including issues pertaining to:
- Unauthorized use
- Misappropriation or misuse
- Prior use or concurrent registration
- Confusingly similar marks, products, services or creative works
- Lanham Act violations
CPS&S comprehends that marketability, profitability and professional standing are key to business strategy success. When creative works, logos, service marks and other intellectual property rights have been infringed upon, there must be a vigilant approach to the resolution of such issues.
Copyright Infringement Litigation And Other Options
Preparation and submission of demand letters, negotiation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods, and aggressive litigation are all part of our approach in infringement claims.
Our copyright and trademark infringement lawyers pursue injunctions, damage awards and alternative remedies, such as the negotiation of royalties, in trademark and copyright infringement cases.
Discuss Your Copyright Dispute With Us
We value and invest in your success. For creative solutions, cost-effective and results-oriented representation in copyright and trademark infringement claims, call 800-209-7206 or e-mail us to schedule an exploratory consultation with an attorney.