Leading-Edge Legal Representation

Results-Oriented Solutions On Complex Legal Matters

Of-Counsel Services

Out-of-state and non-U.S. law firms frequently turn to us at Cox Padmore Skolnik & Shakarchy LLP (CPS&S) for attentive, informed and results-oriented of-counsel legal services. Our New York City-based firm has a broad multinational perspective complementing many decades of experience addressing complex legal issues for businesses, entrepreneurs and investors.

In addition to attorneys admitted to practice law in nations including Brazil and Liberia, we have extensive multilingual capabilities including speakers of Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi, French and other languages on our legal team. Litigation in New York state and U.S. federal courts, as well as domestic and foreign litigation, arbitration and mediation venues, are all familiar endeavors for us at CPS&S.

NYC Attorneys Skilled in Complex Multistate and International Legal Matters

We welcome inquiries and requests for counsel and representation from:

  • Foreign law firms, companies, investors and others in need of business law representation, extensive guidance on transactions and financing, or other legal services in New York, New Jersey, Colorado and internationally
  • United States lawyers, law firms and companies that can benefit from our extensive knowledge of international business laws and customs — as well as high-level services such as litigation management and supervision and arbitration management and supervision
  • Others with needs for of-counsel guidance on complex legal matters that cross state or national borders or fall within our broad range of established legal practice areas

Relevant credentials and experience for our lawyers include postgraduate degrees and studies in international law, published works on international commercial arbitration and extensive work successfully advancing and protecting the interests of multinational corporations. We are accomplished legal thinkers, negotiators and litigators with genuine global perspective.

Our track record of results includes successful representation of corporate interests throughout North America and in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Australia, Europe, Brazil and elsewhere in Latin America.

Turn to Us for Of-Counsel Representation in New York City

At CPS&S, we not only understand U.S. law, but also have extensive insight into what is required and expected of U.S. and multinational firms with international business concerns. For an exploratory consultation at the partner level, focused on your specific needs and goals, we invite you to contact our firm anytime at 800-209-7206.